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The Power 60 is designed to deliver clean and quiet power for 60-size sport and scale airplanes weighing 6 to 10 pounds (2.7–4.5 kg), 46-size 3D airplanes up to 7 pounds (3.2 kg), or models requiring up to 1200 watts of power. It’s an especially good match for Hangar 9 .60-size warbirds like the Corsair 60 (HAN2575), P-47D Thunderbolt 60 (HAN2975), P-40 Warhawk 60 (HAN2850), P-51 Mustang 60 (HAN2375), P-51 Miss America 60 (HAN2775) and .46-size 3D planes such as the Hangar 9 Funtana 40 (HAN1975) or Seagull Harrier 46 (SEA3025).
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